FBA prep involves preparing your stock so that it is ready to send into Amazon DC’s. The main elements involved in FBA Prep are packaging, labeling, and inspection. It is crucial that you get your FBA prep right; otherwise, Amazon will reject your inventory, and you will incur steep costs to remedy the stock for reinjection into Amazon.
Not only must you prepare your products to meet the rigorous standards of Amazon FBA, but you must also make sure that stock arrives at Amazon undamaged. If damaged stock is sent to Amazon, chances are it could inadvertently be sent to your customers, resulting in potential customer complaints. When such complaints pile up, they ruin your metrics, suppress your listing, and Amazon may even suspend your account.
This article explains more about FBA prep services and why you should consider outsourcing this critical service with professional fulfillment services rather than taking the risk of jeopardizing your status with Amazon.